Drinking cane, travel stick MERMAID, Knobhandle brass, stick hardwood brown, walking stick, divisible, secret compartment, ladies, gentlemen, rubber buffer

Item number: 2135

Standard length: 90 cm
Weight: 490 g
Cane length:

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delivery time 1-2 business days
RRP €59.95
€ 56.95 *
Content 1 piece
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* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping

This noble gift stick consists of five parts. The handle made of solid brass casting in the shape of a Mermaid which can be easily unscrewed from the stick at the sturdy metal thread.
Underneath, there is a hidden hip flask with about 2 cl in a secret compartment. The tube sits securely on an internal spring, so that it is protected against shocks and can be easily removed after the handle has been screwed off.
The stick itself can be unscrewed on two stable brass threads in three parts. Completely unscrewed, the travel bag-suitable length is 34 cm. Screwed together is the stick about 90 cm long. It comes with a rubber buffer at the end.
The cane offered here is not a hospital or a walking stick. The loads occurring there would be too big, it is only suitable for strolling or for decoration


Walking stick with brass knob in the shape of a Mermaid
 traditional model as template,  produced with hidden hip flask (about 2cl)
stable hardwood stick length approx. 90cm
Suitable for ladies and gentlemen

Richtige Stocklänge

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Get the right length: To get a sufficient backing function, the cane has to be adapted to the individual right length. The cane should give his user an upright keeping while having a lightly bent elbow. Please wear your normal outdoor shoes and stand up straightly. Have your arms easily hanging down. Now take the size from your wrist to the floor. That is the total length inclusive handle.

stock richtig tragen
Right wearing: Only the middle-, the ring- and the small finger encompass the handle, the forefinger and the thumb are outstretched and they touch the handle beginning of the stick. The stick touches the ground at the same time your disabled leg does. While doing that it is very important to have your weight being shifted vertical on the stick.

At our productvideo you can see how to take the correct length and how you can shorten the cane very easily by yourself.
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