Design cane holder INGRID stainless steel, patented cane holder, universal size (18 - 22 mm), soft rubber

Item number: 4008

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delivery time 1-2 business days
RRP €24.95
€ 15.99 *
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INGRID is a patented cane holder, developed by a Swedish designer. With double effect - one side can be hooked in perfectly, the other side can be placed on a flat surface (table). Due to the soft rubber coating Ingrid does not slip off and the elegant stainless steel band guarantees permanent tension. Belongs as accessories / winter aids to every cane. Delivery without cane.

Design stick holder INGRID (Swedish patent)
Stainless steel band for permanent tension
Soft rubber for a secure hold
Double function for hanging in or laying on
For pole diameters approx. 18 - 22 mm powered by

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