Walking stick FLIPSTICK seat stick, black, height adjustable, foldable, stable light metal, special folding seat / handle including rubber buffer and bag, 87-94cm

Item number: 4335

Adjustable: 88 - 94 cm
Load capacity: 130 kg
Weight: 485 g
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delivery time 1-2 business days
RRP €79.95
€ 73.95 *
Content 1 piece
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* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping

The modern sitting and folding stick FLIPSTICK made in England is suitable for every excursion and walk, because it allows you to take a break anytime and anywhere.

At the same time, it can also be used comfortably as a walking stick. The pole is particularly light and robust thanks to the aluminum rods.

The flipstick is easy to use because a comfortable seat can be opened at the push of a button. Furthermore, the seat stick can be folded in 3 ways and is height adjustable. The flipstick is delivered in a modern and practical carrying bag, which can also be carried comfortably over the shoulder thanks to a carrying strap.


The pole height is approx. 87 cm - 94 cm and the seat height approx. 75 cm - 84 cm. The flipstick is equipped with a matching black rubber buffer.

The folded size of the flipstick is approx. 27 cm.

The perfect travel companion for a good mood, more dynamism and joie de vivre!

Modern sitting and walking stick made in England - excellent for excursions and walks, as you can take a break at any location.

Thanks to aluminum bars, the pole is extremely light and robust, suitable for a body weight of up to 130 kg.

Length approx. 87cm- 94 cm, seat height approx. 75 cm- 84 cm

Safe / non-slip rubber buffer made of special rubber, foldable pole, including a practical nylon bag.

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Brand Flipstick
Name Flipstick
EU Responsible
Name Christian Heckmann
Street / No Große-Rosen-Strasse 21
Zip / City 34117 Kassel
Email office@stockshop.de

