Fashion-Folding Derby MADEIRA, height adjustable

Item number: 3050

Adjustable: 82 - 92 cm
Load capacity: 110 kg
Weight: 366 g
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delivery time 1-2 business days
RRP €69.95
€ 59.95 *
Content 1 piece
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The pride of Medeira  are the sumptuous flower fields with sweet scents from a long distance. The white beaches and the turquoise blue sea, contribute to the unique, island in. This stick with pretty embroidered flowers pattern in turquoise, purple and blue is made of light metal. It can be adjusted at different heights and with a matching rubber buffer. Stroll through the blooming flower Terrace of Madeira.

Great walking stick is made from lightweight tall with a wonderful flower design
3 fold height adjustable from 82 cm - 92 cm
Derby handle made from stable acetate, fits comfortably in the palm of your hand
load rating up to 110 kg body weight
Secure, non-slip Slim buffer made of special rubber


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Brand Classiccanes
Name Classiccanes
EU Responsible
Name Christian Heckmann
Street / No Große-Rosen-Strasse 21
Zip / City 34117 Kassel

